

Music is offered during Worship service in praise to our God and Savior. The Praise Team consists of keyboard, guitars, drums, and vocals to lead the congregation in both traditional and contemporary music each week. Hymns and praise songs are coordinated with the theme of the sermon to enhance the meaning of the message, present a more complete Worship experience, and draw us closer to Christ.

Opportunities exist for those who wish to sing or play instruments. Our Praise Team plays and sings for Worship services each week, rehearsing once per month and every Sunday. The Adult Choir meets weekly for rehearsal and fellowship, and the group sings during Worship service an average of once per month. Children learn to sing songs through Christian Education, and occasionally, they sing for the congregation.

Adults and children who are interested in joining us to express God’s Word through music may contact our Music Director, Cathy Niebel, at You can also check the church calendar and come to a scheduled rehearsal.



Worship Song Play List
