The news of the COVID vaccine was wonderful to receive. Wouldn’t a vaccine for death be even better? It exists and its called Baptism. Baptism is the one true cure for death. Are you skeptical? How can simple water be the cure for death? Its not just water. Its the water coupled with God’s Word that makes Baptism so powerful.
Our Gospel verse this week was from Matthew 1:4-11 — Jesus being Baptized by John. Why did Jesus get baptized? It was for sinners and repentance after all. Jesus was sinless and didn’t need the baptism offered by John. He did it for two reasons: First was to fulfill the law. Secondly, he did it for our sakes. He bound himself to us sinners, taking on our role as sinners. He who knew no sin became sin for our sakes. In binding himself to us, we also are united with Jesus in his death. From that we also are bound to Jesus in his resurrection. Freed from the bondage of sin and death, we are able to live in the glory of Jesus’ resurrection.
Baptism draws its ultimate power not as a symbol of our commitment to follow Jesus. If its power relied upon our commitment, it would surely fail because we fail again and again to follow the law. Rather, it draws its real power because of God’s promise to us that he’ll save us from sin, death and the devil. As such, baptism is the one sure fire, guaranteed cure for death that can be found in this world.