May 7, 2023
- Prelude: Cornerstone
- Opening Hymn: LSB 950: Baptized Into Your Most Holy Name
- Hymn of the Day: LSB 526: You Are the Way; through You Alone
- Offering / Meditation: Christ Our Hope In Life and Death
- Offertory: Give Thanks
- Communion Songs:
- LSB 636: Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness
- LSB 638: Eat This Bread
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB 181
- Closing Song: Alive In Us
May 14, 2023
- Opening Hymn: Honor Christian Mothers (these lyrics to LSB 662 tune) (to honor mothers on Mother’s Day)
- Gathering Song: Christ Our Hope In Life and Death
- Hymn of the Day: LSB 725: Children of the Heavenly Father
- Offering / Meditation: LSB 712 – Seek Ye First
- Offertory: Let All Things Now Living v. 1
- Closing Song: Because He Lives
May 21, 2023
- Divine Service Setting 2 in the LSB starting on p.167
- Opening Hymn: Turn Your Eyes
- Kyrie LSB 168-169
- Hymn of Praise: This is the Feast LSB 171
- Alleluia and Verse LSB 173
- Hymn of the Day: LSB 763: When Peace, Like a River
- Offering / Meditation: God, You’re So Good (v. 2, ch, v. 3, ch)
- Offertory: LSB p. 176 What shall I render
- Sanctus LSB 178
- Agnus Dei LSB 180
- Communion Songs:
- –LSB 618: I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table
- –Behold the Lamb
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB 181
- Closing Song: One True God – CCLI – 7052884
May 28, 2023
- Pre-Service: Eternal Father Strong to Save (LSB 717 tune with these words, put up on screen) (with trumpets)
- Opening Hymn: LSB 497: Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord
- Hymn of the Day: There Is a Redeemer
- Offering / Meditation: Hymn of the Holy Spirit
- Offertory: LSB 805: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
- Communion Songs:
- –LSB 638: Eat This Bread
- –LSB 622: Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB 181
- Closing Song: LSB 965: God Bless Our Native Land
June 4, 2023
- Opening Hymn: LSB 507 Holy Holy Holy
- Hymn of the Day: In Christ Alone. 3350395
- Offering / Meditation: King of Kings 71277647
- Offertory: LSB 504 Father Most Holy Vs. 4
- Communion Songs:
- –LSB 638: Eat This Bread
- Praise The Father Praise The Son LEAD SHEET in A 5203251
- Post-Communion Canticle: LSB 894 Vs 1. For the Fruits of All Creation
- Closing Song: LSB 801 How Great Thou Art
June 11, 2023
- Opening Hymn: LSB 709 The King of Love My Shepherd
- Gathering Song: Just as I am (I Come Broken) 5635850
- Hymn of the Day: LSB 689 Let Me Be Thine Forever (to the tune of LSB #644 The Church’s One Foundation)
- Offering / Meditation: Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy 3472266
- Offertory: LSB 571 God So Love the World So that He Gave Vs 4
- Closing Song: God So Loved 7138599
June 18, 2023
- Divine Service Setting 2 in the LSB starting on p.167
- Opening Hymn: This is My Fathers World 6167640 words combined with LSB 856 Music
- Kyrie LSB 168-169
- Hymn of Praise: Gloria in Excelsis LSB 170
- Alleluia and Verse LSB 173
- Hymn of the Day: LSB 727 On Eagles Wings
- Offering / Meditation: Father, How Sweet Piano Accomp Lead Sheet
- Offertory: LSB 783 Take My Life and Let it Be Vs 4
- Sanctus LSB 178
- Agnus Dei LSB 180
- Communion Songs:
- –LSB 641 You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
- –LSB 632 O Jesus Blessed Lord to Thee
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB 181
- Closing Song Praise to the Lord
June 25, 2023
- Opening Hymn: O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer 7096627
- Gathering Song: Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King 4775010
- Hymn of the Day: LSB 744 Amazing Grace
- Offering / Meditation: God You are So Good 7105729
- Offertory: LSB 684 Come Unto ME, Ye Weary Vs 2
- Closing Song: LSB 837 Lift High the Cross
July 2, 2023
- Pre-Service: America the Beautiful W/Trumpets
- Opening Hymn: LSB #793 Praise My Soul the King of Heaven W/Trumpets
- Hymn of the Day: LSB # 685 Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus
- Offering / Meditation: Place of Freedom CCLI 6439691
- Offertory: LSB #785 We Praise you, O God Vs 3
- Communion Songs: ——–LSB 629 What Is This Bread
- ———Take Eat, This is My Body CCLI #270372
- Post-Communion Canticle: LSB #610 Lord Jesus Think of Me Vs. 4
- Closing Song: LSB #763 When Peace Like a River
July 9, 2023
- Opening Hymn: LSB # 752 Be Still My Soul
- Gathering Song: What a Friend We Have in Jesus Key of D Sing from #770 LSB
- Hymn of the Day: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say Key of DM CCLI 7125864
- Offering / Meditation: Turn Your Eyes CCLI #7120053
- Offertory: LSB #571 God so Loved the World that He Gave Vs 4
- Closing Song: LSB #570 Just as I Am
July 16, 2023
- Prelude: LSB #893 Sing to the Lord of Harvest
- Opening Hymn 10,000 Reasons CCLI 6016351
- Gathering Song: VBS Song Way, Truth, Life. (VBS SONG)
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #893 Sing to the Lord of Harvest
- Offering / Meditation: VBS Song Faith is Victory (VBS SONG)
- Offertory: LSB #652 Father We Thank Thee Vs 1
- Closing Song: LSB #643 Sent Forth By God’s Blessing
July 23, 2023
- Divine Service Setting 2 in the LSB starting on p.167
- Opening Hymn: Mighty to Save CCLI 4591782
- Kyrie LSB 168-169
- Hymn of Praise: Gloria in Excelsis LSB 170
- Alleluia and Verse LSB 173
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #892 Come Ye Thankful People Come
- Offering / Meditation: Rock of Ages 2240547
- Offertory: LSB #894 For the Fruits of His Creation Vs 1
- Sanctus LSB 178
- Agnus Dei LSB 180
- Communion Songs:
- ———————–LSB #641 You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
- –———————Take Eat, This is My Body CCLI #270372
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB 181
- Closing Song: LSB #700 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
July 30, 2023
- Opening Hymn: LSB #712 Seek Ye First
- Hymn of the Day: Only King Forever CCLI 7011438
- Offering / Meditation: Living Hope CCLI 7106807
- Offertory: LSB #980 Jesu Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love
- Communion Songs:
- ————————-–LSB #638 Eat This Bread
- –————————-Take Eat, This is My Body CCLI #270372
- Post-Communion Canticle: LSB #544 O Love How Deep Vs 4
- Closing Song: LSB #657 A Mighty Fortress is Our God W/Trumpets
August 6, 2023
- Opening Hymn Here I Am to Worship CCLI #3266032
- Gathering Song: Just as I am (I Come Broken) CCLI #5635850
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #642 O Living Bread From Heaven
- Offering / Meditation: Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us CCLI #5252484
- Offertory: LSB #652 Father We Thank Thee Vs 1
- Closing Song: LSB #918 Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer
August 13, 2023
- Opening Hymn: Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest) CCLI #6534077
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #720 We Walk By Faith
- Offering / Meditation: LSB #978 How Majestic is Your Name
- Offertory: LSB #652 Father We Thank Thee Vs 1
- Communion Songs:
- ————————-–LSB #626 What is This Bread
- –———————— Here Is the Bread, Here is the Wine, CCLI # 983717
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB #181
- Closing Song: LSB #717 Eternal Father Strong to Save W/Trumpets
August 20, 2023
- Opening Hymn: LSB #837 Lift High the Cross W/Trumpets
- Kyrie LSB 168-169
- Hymn of Praise: This is the Feast LSB # 171
- Alleluia and Verse LSB 173
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #653 In Christ There is No East or West
- Offering / Meditation: His Mercy is More CCLI #7065053
- Offertory: LSB #652 Father We Thank Thee Vs 1
- Sanctus LSB 178
- Agnus Dei LSB 180
- Communion Songs:
- ———————–LSB #641 You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
- –———————Take Eat, This is My Body CCLI #270372
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB 181
- Closing Song: Wonderful Merciful Savior CCLI #106879
August 27, 2023
- Opening Hymn King of Kings CCLI #7127647
- Gathering Song: LSB #914 Light of Light, O Sole Begotten
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #578 Thy Strong Word
- Offering / Meditation: LSB #836 O God of Light as 1-2
- Offertory: LSB #652 Father We Thank Thee Vs 1
- Closing Song: LSB #826 Hark, The Voice of Jesus Crying
September 3, 2023
- Pre-Service. America CCLI#46582. With Trumpets
- Opening Hymn Jesus Paid It All CCLI #4689508
- Hymn of the Day: Turn Your Eyes – CCLI #712005
- Offertory: LSB# 688 Come Follow Me vs 1,2,5
- Offering / Meditation: LSB 845 Where Love and Charity Prevail Vs 1 and 3
- Communion Songs:
- ——————————–LSB #621 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- ——————–————-Behold the Lamb CCLI #5003372
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB 181
- Closing Song: Jesus, I Thy Cross Have Taken – CCLI# 7186160
September 10, 2023
- Opening Hymn I Need Thee Every Hour – CCLI # 2649148
- Gathering Song: LSB #685 Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #848 Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service
- Offering / Meditation: Hymn of the Holy Spirit- CCLI #7113814
- Offertory: LSB 845 Where Love and Charity Prevail Vs 1 and 3
- Closing Song: Raised to Life – CCLI #7011534
September 17, 2023
- Opening Hymn: His Mercy is More CCLI # 7065053
- Kyrie LSB 168-169
- Hymn of Praise: This is the Feast LSB # 171
- Alleluia and Verse LSB 173
- Hymn of the Day: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone CCLI #4768151
- Offering / Meditation: LSB#763. When Peace Like a River
- Offertory: LSB 845 Where Love and Charity Prevail Vs 1 and 3
- Sanctus LSB 178
- Agnus Dei LSB 180
- Communion Songs:
- ———————–LSB #629 What is This Bread
- –———————Let Us Break Bread Together CCLI # 3205952-D
- Post-Communion Canticle: Thank the Lord LSB 181
- Closing Song: LSB #790 Praise to the Lord With Trumpets
September 24, 2023
- Opening Hymn My Jesus I Love Thee CCLI 27817
- Gathering Song: O Praise the Name CCLI 7037787. key of A
- Hymn of the Day: LSB # 555 Salvation Unto Us has Come Vs 1-4, 6, 10
- Offering / Meditation: Facing a Task Unfinished CCLI 7002026
- Offertory: LSB 845 Where Love and Charity Prevail Vs 1 and 3
- Closing Song: LSB #924 Lord Dismiss Us with our Blessing With Trumpets
October 1, 2023
- Opening Hymn Oh For a Thousand Tongues to Sing CCLI #5013881
- Hymn of the Day: LSB # 507 Holy, Holy, Holy W/Trumpets
- Offertory: LSB# 806 Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
- Offering / Meditation: LSB# 176 What Shall I Render
- Communion Songs:
- ——————————–LSB #618 I Come, O Savior , To Thy Table
- ——————–————-This is Jesus CCLI #2185286
- Post-Communion Canticle: LSB #199 Nunc Dimittis
- Closing Song: One True God – CCLI# 7052884
October 8, 2023
- Opening Hymn LSB # 912 Christ is our Cornerstone with Trumpets
- Gathering Song: CCLI # 33503595 In Christ Alone.
- Hymn of the Day: CCLI # 6158927 Cornerstone
- Offering / Meditation: LSB. #739 Precious Lord
- Offertory: LSB # 176 What Shall I render
- Closing Song: CCLI #137178 (Music) 4762092(Lyrics) O The Deep Deep Love of Jesus
October 15, 2023
- Opening Hymn: Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy CCLI # 3472266
- Kyrie LSB 168-169
- Hymn of Praise: Gloria LSB # 170
- Alleluia and Verse LSB 173
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #711. Savior Like a Shepard Lead Us
- Offering / Meditation: CCLI # 7054930 Psalm 23: Surely Goodness Surely Mercy
- Offertory: LSB #176 What Shall I Render
- Sanctus LSB 178
- Agnus Dei LSB 180
- Communion Songs:
- –———————Let Us Break Bread Together CCLI # 3205952-D
- ———————–LSB #633 At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing
- Post-Communion Canticle: #199 Nunc Dimittis
- Closing Song: LSB #803 Joyful, Joyful We Adore You With Trumpets
October 22, 2023
- Pre-Service CCLI# 2501437. My God is So Big (Children)
- Opening Hymn CCLI#7111321. Great Things
- Gathering Song: LSB #850 God of Grace and God of Glory
- Hymn of the Day: LSB 940 Holy God we Praise They name. with Trumpets
- Offering / Meditation: CCLI# 7134391 Doxology (Holy God we Praise They name)
- Offertory: LSB # 176 What Shall I render
- Closing Song: CCLI #61676640. This is My Fathers World
October 29, 2023
- Opening Hymn: LSB 657 A Nightly Fortress with Trumpets
- Kyrie LSB 168-169
- Hymn of Praise: Gloria LSB # 170
- Alleluia and Verse LSB 173
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #555 Salvation Unto us Has Come
- Offering / Meditation: CCLI # 7172456 Thank you Jesus Vs 1, refrain, Verse 2 refrain
- Offertory: LSB #176 What Shall I Render
- Sanctus LSB 178
- Agnus Dei LSB 180
- Communion Songs:
- –———————LSB #547 The Lamb
- ———————–CCLI #443594 How Beautiful
- Post-Communion Canticle: LSB #199 Nunc Dimittis
- Closing Song: CCLI #7088632 Reformation Song
November 5, 2023
- Opening Hymn LSB #677 For All the Saints
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #982 Blessed are They
- Offertory: CCLI #7053752. Awake My Soul (A Thousand Tongues
- Offering / Meditation: LSB 192-193. Create in Me a Clean Heart
- Communion Songs:
- ——————————–CCLI 983717 Here Is the Bread, Here is the Wine,
- ——————–————-This is Jesus CCLI #2185286
- Post-Communion Canticle: LSB #199 Nunc Dimittis
- Closing Song: Sent Forth By God’s Blessing LSB 643 W/Trumpets
November 12, 2023
- Opening Hymn CCLI #7120053 urn Your Eyes
- Gathering Song: LSB #848 Lord Whose Love in Humble Service
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #516 Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying –
- Offering / Meditation: CCLI 7063694. The Lord is My Salvation Vs 3,4 Chorus 5, Chorus
- Offertory: LSB 192-193. Create in Me a Clean Heart
- Closing Song: LSB #673 Jerusalem My Happy Home
November 19, 2023
- Opening Hymn: CCLI #4162843. Take My Life
- Kyrie LSB 168-169
- Hymn of Praise: Gloria LSB # 170
- Alleluia and Verse LSB 173
- Hymn of the Day: LSB #508. The Day Is Surely Drawing Near
- Offering / Meditation: LSB #338 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
- Offertory: LSB 192-193 Create in Me a Clean Heart
- Sanctus LSB 178
- Agnus Dei LSB 180
- Communion Songs:
- –———————LSB #638 Eat This Bread
- ———————-CCLI 2185286 This is Jesus
- Post-Communion Canticle: LSB #199 Nunc Dimittis
- Closing Song: CCLI #7120418 Jesus, You Alone
November 26, 2023
- Opening Hymn LSB #790 Praise to the Lord W/Trumpets
- Gathering Song: CCLI 5894206. Alive In Us
- Hymn of the Day: CCLI 7106807 Living Hope
- Offering / Meditation: LSB #532 Vs. 1-4. The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns
- Offertory: LSB 192-193. Create in Me a Clean Heart
- Closing Song: LSB #671 Sing With All the Saints in Glory (alternate setting 404 Ode to Joy) W/Trumpets